Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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New Features

Welcome to Collect! Version 12.11. This latest version has several new features and functionality, as well as several optimizations and enhancements to existing features.

The full revision history is available to Members via the Member Center.

Display And Environment

BETA Version of REST API available upon request.

Pick list records are now stored in the database. They can be edited via the pick list and Pick Entry records. Pick list records can be accessed via Access Rights, right-clicking a field and going to Properties, and System -> Rights -> pick lists.

When access rights are rebuilt, the names will be changed from the old 000000:ID format to the new record:field format.

Added some Client Agent values to the User Level Function pick list.

Increased the Type field on the Debtor record to 31 characters.

Changed US Virgin Islands to Virgin Islands - US in the Country list.

Added the Email attribute to the Email Address field on the Email record.

Printing statements now creates a Letter Contact on the corresponding Client.

Added Transaction Invoice # to the Invoice Line record.

Added Transaction Receipt # to the Invoice Line record.

Added 'Additional' fields (home, cell, poe, other) to the Phone Position pick list to identify numbers that are not on the main page.

Updated the User fields sizes on the Transaction record to match the User fields on the Trans Detail record.

Added the ability to filter on Client Number when searching Debtors by Phone or SSN.

Added Cosigner Debtor File Number & Associated Client Number to the the Phone, Email, and Address records so users can use them in report loops.

Altered the Splash screen to reflect the Collect! color logo and to allow more space for users when using custom splash screens.

Disabled the date validation popup if the value in the field has not changed after the user tabbed through it.

Removed the IP filter from the Collect! Companion Server.

Added a check to see of the collectcfg_.ini file exists. If it exists, but still fails to read, only then will the 'loaded default config' message appear.

Added a Legacy Notes switch to the Operator Detail record to enable it on an operator by operator basis.

Modified the Update Phone Records utility under the Tools Menu to work on Clients, Cosigners, and Associates.

Changed the label for Sales Team in the Operator Type pick list to Distribution Team.

Added Pool Desk to the Operator Type pick list. Is is for display purposes. There is no functionality linked to it.

Added the Date 2 field on the Client record.

Added Commercial to the Debtor Legal Entity pick list so users can explicitly track commercial accounts.

When reading the Locale settings, Collect! will now use the server's locale when rendering currency to ensure consistency at the workstations.

Added a Hide Label field to the Access Rights form which, when enabled, will hide the field label on the screen.

Added a new Format field to the access rights form that allows users to pick a format from a predefined pick list on string fields.

Added a timeout to the Collect! Companion Server that should remove stale sessions after 10 minutes of socket inactivity.

Optimized part of the Statement Generator to use SQL queries.

Optimized record deletion to use SQL queries.

Implemented a basic database schema validator that runs when you sign onto a database.

Added the ability to start Collect! with a specific INI file using /ini:. Example: /ini:collectcfg_masterdb_custom.ini

Enhanced the Attachment field on the Schedule Next Contact record to support the Client Global folder.

Enhanced the Phone, Email, and Address records to update the respective tabs if the fields are marked as empty.

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Report Writer

CFPB Change: When Letter contacts are marked done, if they were emailed instead of printed, the Contact Type will be changed to Email. This will allow for proper reporting.

Increased the Report Name field on the Report Definition record to 65 characters.

Increased the Report Initialization field on the Report Options record to 71 characters.

Enhanced the @COUNT command to return the number of characters in variables and print codes.

Implemented Modulas 10 Version 05 Check Digits in the report writer.

Implemented the Intelligent Mail Barcode in the report writer.

Added new @TXT start and @TXT end command to the report writer than when printing a report to email will capture the report text between the start and end commands and write it to a .txt file that is attached to the sent email.

Added @while & @endwhile to the report writer. These commands allow users to loop through a block of without having to use RAM records with MAX commands.

Added @if, @elseif, @else & @endif to the report writer. These commands allow users to create conditional blocks of code without having to use RAM record loops.

Added @fileattach command to report writer than allows users to attach their own files to Email reports.

Enabled the PDF Report Destination which passes report text to wkhtmltopdf to generate a file. The report body must be written in HTML.

Added the ability to include files that are nested within include files.

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Increased the Scan For field on the Import Field Specification record to 63 characters.

Increased the decimal value for Multiply on the Import Field Specification record to 4 places.

Added a switch to the Import Field Specification form to disable the log to notes feature on a field by field basis.

Added a Include Transaction Posting switch on the Import Options form which, when enabled, will post the applicable Debtor Fees, Client Fees, and Add Commission to Owing transactions.

Enabled the ability in the Import Module for users to be able to import into the Created and Modified fields when creating a new record.

Added an error message to the Import Module if a user tries to import a file that is not ASCII text.

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Credit Bureau Reporting

Added a switch to the Credit Bureau Setup form called "Auto activate new accounts" which, when enabled, will enabled any accounts for CBR reporting that are not already setup for reporting and where the client is setup to report. This works on both manually created accounts and imported accounts.

Updated the CBR Log messaging around missing Zip codes.

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Added the ability for the Autodialer to call a report for more complex dialing.

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Added a new section to the Payment Posting Options form called Promise Schedule Payment Order. This section allows you to define the order that payments should apply breakdown for the Promise Schedule. It has no impact on the payment breakdown specified in the Transaction Type settings.

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Contact Management

Added an elapsed timer in the top right corner when users are working a WIP contact.

Added a switch to the Operator Security form called Create Contact, which is a sub-item of Log View Account which, when enabled, will create a contact on a Debtor after it was viewed by the Operator. The Contact Elapsed field will contain the time spent on the Debtor.

Moved the Transaction Type Contact Plan execution above the Default Payment Posting Options plan execution when transactions are posted as the Transaction Plan may post a reversal, leaving a balance owing higher than the Run Only When Balance Below value on the Payment Posting Options form.

When a Promise Contact is manually completed, the Payment Amount field on the Interest Details form is cleared.

Added the Header Information (To, CC, BCC, Subject, Attachments) to the Contact Blob data of an Email Contact for auditing purposes.

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Payment Processing

Notes and Contacts for failed reconciled CC transactions are now skipped if they have already been recorded on the same day.

Enabled the ability to delete Post-Dated ACH transactions and have Collect! also delete the associated transaction on the payment processor side.

Updated the Credit Card module to accept an Expiry Date past the year 2038.

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Upgrading To This Build

Please refer to How to Upgrade Collect! for details about upgrading your existing Collect! system to take advantage of the features and optimizations in this latest release.

Useful Note If you are upgrading from Version 11 or earlier, this is a major revision and considered a paid upgrade.

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Prior Releases

Version 12.10
Version 12.9
Version 12.8
Version 12.7
Version 12.6
Version 12.5
Version 12.4
Version 12.3
Version 12.2
Version 12.1

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