Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Create A New Report Library

You may want to load an alternate report library for different operators. This allows you to keep your report definition list small. Operators need only see the list of reports they need for completing their tasks.

Collect! creates a subfolder in the Collect\report folder for each new report library that you load. You can load a report librar y that has already been created, or you can load a brand new library and create or copy reports into the library. Then use Select Report Library to view the list of available libraries, including any new libraries you create. They can be selected and used as required.

We will step through the process of adding a new report library to the list of report libraries available through Select Report Library.

We will cover:

- Loading a pre-existing report library
- Loading a new empty report library

Loading A Pre-Existing Report Library

Use this procedure to register a pre-existing report library with the SQL server. After that, you can open the new library and use the reports in it, editing and creating new reports as needed.

1. Copy all the files from your pre-existing report library to the CV12\report folder.

Useful Note The report library consists of several files named with an MDF and LDF extension. The database file name can be anything, but when attached to the database server, they need to be prefixed with "cvr_alt_"

2. Sign into the SQL Management Studio. Attach the database there. For more information, please refer to Microsoft documentation.

3. Now you can use Select Report Library to load this new library for use.

Useful Note Whenever you select a different report library, you should rebuild your printable information through Print, Settings, Printable Information. Select the REBUILD button.

4. Once the library is selected, you can use Print, Reports and Letters to use the library, or you can open the Report Definition list, editing and creating new reports as needed.

Your report library is READY to use.

Useful Note Next, we will use similar steps to create an empty report library.

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Loading A New Empty Report Library

Use this procedure to register a new empty report library with the SQL server. After that, you can open the new library and create new reports or copy into the library as needed.

Useful Note Please be aware that creating a new empty library will automatically load printer control codes, but not the list of printable information fields. We will load these codes after the empty library has been created.

1. Sign into Collect! as a user with Level 99 and stop at the Main Menu.

2. Select Print from the top menu bar and then select Customize Printing to view the sub-menu.

3. Select New Report Library. You will be prompted to enter a name for your new library. Maximum 8 CHARACTERS. Select OK to continue.

4. Collect! will let you know that you have successfully created a new library and have registered it with the SQL server. The database files will be created in the CV12\report folder with the same name that you see in this prompt, with the prefix "cvr_alt_" added. This is also the name that will be displayed in the choices for Select Report Library. Select OK to continue.

5. Now you can use Select Report Library to load this new library.

6. Use Print, Customize Printing, Edit Report Templates to create or copy reports into the library.

Your report library is NOT READY to use yet.

Useful Note Before using this library, you must import Printer Control Codes and load the Printable Information list. These are covered next.

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Rebuild Printable Information

Next, we must load the key to the Printable Information into the library. You must be signed in as a user with Level 99 to rebuild this list!

Select Print, Settings, Printable Information. Select REBUILD when the Printable Information window is displayed. This will rebuild your list of Printable Field Codes.

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Select Report Library

Loading a report library allows the operator to use a separate report definition list rather than the default report library currently loaded into the database. This enables you to customize report definition lists so that operators see only the information they need to perform their tasks. Uncluttered lists load faster and are easier to maintain.

To load an alternate report library,

1. From the Print menu, choose Customize Printing, then choose Select Report Library.

2. A Browse dialog will appear to allow the operator to choose from the report library files that are available as registered devices. These are the default libraries shipped with Collect! and any others you have created using the New Report Library function.

3. Choose Open and the highlighted Library will be loaded.

While this Library is loaded, Collect! will not use the default report library until this operator logs out or Select Report Library is performed again.

The operator will have full use of this report library including updating its definitions. Changes made to the library are saved as the operator makes the changes. Collect! does not make a backup of this file upon loading it.

Useful Note After loading your report library, it is recommended that you rebuild Printable Information through the Print Menu, Settings option. Select Printable Information from the sub-menu and then select the REBUILD button at the bottom of the

list to quickly refresh your printable information codes.

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The New Report Library feature in Collect! allows you to register any number of new report libraries to use in Collect!. You can create a brand new library or load a pre-existing one. Each report library that you use must be registered with the SQL server. The New Report Library function takes care of this and you can seamlessly switch libraries as needed to print a wide variety of reports from different sources.

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