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Importing Commission Rates

There are several ways to set commission when importing. This document explains each way and also lists the priority that Collect! gives each commission setting when more than one is used.

When importing data, Collect! may find a commission rate value in one of several places. These are listed below in the order of precedence that Collect! uses to apply the commission rate to any payment transactions that are being imported.

Commission Rate Settings

1. Commission Rate Field Specification - Default

This is the Default field in the Commission Rate Field Specification for the import map's Transaction Record. If a value is set in this field, it overrides any other setting or imported value.

Default Commission Rate in Field Specification

2. Commission Rate Field Specification - Imported Data

This is the Commission Rate Field Specification for the import map's Transaction Record. It is reading from the incoming file. If a value is read into this field, it overrides any other setting unless there is also a value in the Default field.

Imported Commission Rate in Field Specification

3. Import Options - Commission Rate

This is the Commission Rate in the Import Options. This rate may be used to set the Commission Rate for new Debtors being imported to a particular Client. It may also be used to apply a set Commission Rate to all the transactions being imported from a particular file. If there is a value in this field, it overrides any transaction type settings or existing commission rate for the debtor. It does not override the Default value or Imported Data as shown above.

Commission Rate in Import Options

Alternatively, if you want all the debtor accounts being loaded via import to pick up the same Commission Rate that is current on the client in the same manner that a manually data entered file would pick up a series of settings, then check the box for "Apply client settings". This switch is new as of version CV11.6.2.9. Client presets such as Commission Rates, Tax Rates, Sales ID, Operator ID etc. can all be imported directly from what is currently set on the client.

4. Use Transaction Type Settings

There are two switches in Import Options that enable you to apply settings from the Transaction Types that you are importing. If you have a commission rate set in these types, then Collect! will apply that rate to any payment transactions that are imported. This applies only if you have not set commission in one of the ways already shown above.

Commission Rate Set in Transaction Type

Import Field Specification for Transaction Type 101

Import Options - Use Transaction Type - After

5. Debtor Rate

If you import a payment transaction, and you do not apply a commission rate in one of the ways shown above, then Collect! uses any commission rate that is set on the Debtor form in the Rate field, just at it would if you posted a payment transaction manually on the account.

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Automatically Calculating Commission Amount

When you set the Commission Rate in one of the ways described above, Collect! does not automatically calculate the commission amount. It simply writes the Commission Rate to the transaction that is imported. If you want to calculate the commission amount automatically at the same time, then you must use either the 'Use transaction type - Before' or the 'Use transaction type - After' switch in the import map's Import Options. This will calculate the Commission Amount based on the Commission Rate that was set in one of the ways shown above.

tip.gif Switch ON 'Use transaction type - Before' if you are also importing a Payment or Posted Date. Switch ON 'Use transaction type - After' if you want Collect! to use today's date for the Payment or Posted Date.

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See Also

- Import/Export Topics

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