Related Information

System Db Error -1012

"Collect has encountered a database error. No Privilege (S_PRIV)(-1012)"

This means the user who is attempting to perform a specific function, such as updating Operator records, does not have "Administrator Privileges." This is configured in the CV11 Server

Collect! automatically grants "Administrator Privileges" whenever you create an operator with User Level 1, 10 or 99. If you want an operator who is a different User Level to perform administrative tasks, you can switch ON "Administrator Privileges" as described below.

Set Administrator Privileges

You can enable an individual user who is not User Level 1 or User Level 10 to perform some higher privilege level functions without giving them full Level 1 or Level 10 access in Collect!.

To do this, it is necessary to switch ON "Administrator Privileges" with the assistance of the " CV11 Admin Tool."

tip.gif The CV11 Admin Tool should not be made accessible to any levels except Level 1, Level 10 and Level 99.

tip.gif You must be on your Sever to launch the CV11 Admin Tool.

1. From the topmost menu bar in Collect!, click "System", highlight " Network and Environment", then select " Launch Database Admin Tool".

This will open a window labelled "Available Servers" with blue boxes in the server hierarchy displayed on the left.

2. Double-click the box labelled "RDS". You will be prompted for a Login/ Password. Enter your Collect! login/password.

A sub-directory will appear below RDS.

3. Select and double-click "Account."

This will open a screen which shows all the user IDs currently existing in your system.

4. Scroll through until you locate the user ID you wish to modify and double-click it.

5. You will see a small pop-up window which says "Modify User Account". In the lower left corner of this window you will see a check box next to "Admin Privilege Level". Check this box and click OK.

6. The last pop-up will acknowledge that the user has been successfully updated. Click "OK" and close the RDM Server Administration window.

You will need to restart your CV11 Server by closing the RDS.exe window in your status bar at the bottom of your screen.

The updated user will need to exit Collect! completely, closing the session. Once they re-open a Collect! session, their access will allow them to perform the required task that had previously resulted in the error.

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